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[B2Y]⇒ [PDF] Free Forgotten Cat Patrick Books

Forgotten Cat Patrick Books

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Forgotten Cat Patrick Books

I loved the premise of this book. 16 year old London's memory resets every night and she can't remember anything that happened, but the twist is she can see her future just fine and of those around her. I mean imagine not knowing your past but knowing when someone close to you will die or how there life will end up like. I also found it interesting how she kept up with the details of her life, by writing notes down on what happened each day and things she needs to remember. Although it did get tricky for her when she chose to leave things out and forget things on purpose.

Forgotten kept my interest for the most part, especially when dealing with her memories, the mystery behind the graveyard and who's funeral it could be and of course her relationship with Luke which was not always easy, also why I can say I really did like Luke because he was not willing to give up on her and was just an all around good guy.

I really did enjoy the book for what it was but it was no life changer or anything. There were a ton of plot holes left open. At the end of the book your still left with a lot of questions. I would like to know if London ever regains her ability to remember the past or what happens in the future between her and Luke. And then the mystery aspect of it which was pretty huge in terms of how it affected her but it seemed that it all happened too fast when there could have been more time spent on it going more in depth about the situation. Not to mention we learn that "mystery situation" is the reason for her memory defect but we get no answers on how she is able to see the future.

Overall this was a fast paced read, I loved the memory loss aspect of it but it just annoyed me how certain things weren't fully explained in the end.

Read Forgotten Cat Patrick Books

Tags : Forgotten (9781405253611): Cat Patrick: Books,Cat Patrick,Forgotten,Egmont UK Ltd,1405253614,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Family - General,Juvenile Fiction Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)

Forgotten Cat Patrick Books Reviews

Okay, so I kinda feel like maybe I shouldn't love this book. I mean, after all, it did keep me up all night. Plus, there are some minor issues and they should count for something, right? But I don't care, screw the niggling little problems and sleep deprivation, I LOVE this book! Now, let me explain why.

** Mild Spoilers **
Cat Patrick's writing is simply effortless and sublime. The story immediately draws you in and holds you captive, not releasing you until the final pages. Sure, I had some problems initially, grasping the concept that when our protag, London, referred to "remembering" she was actually referring to her recall of visions she has of future events. Okay, yes, there's a learning curve here and, yes, it did pull me out of the story when I had to piece together future events with past events and reconcile that in my brain. Let's not, however, forget that whole sleep deprivation thing I mentioned earlier. But once I got it all down and my brain accepted this new thought process, it was smooth sailing from there.

So this whole premise is very interesting really. Waking up everyday, a blank slate. Your only real memories are of the people who have been/will be a constant in your life, their projected future a constant reminder of their importance. Yikes, I can hardly imagine the difficulties involved with keeping it all straight. For London, where the past is concerned, note taking is the only solution and has become a way of life. No note, no memory, no guidance through the social maze which is high school.

It becomes fairly clear early on that what London is suffering from is some kind of dissociative disorder/amnesia. Clues abound as the story progresses and hints to a death/murder in her past. It makes sense, the brain has a fascinating way of protecting itself. Only, I wish Ms. Patrick had spent a little more energy/time on this element. Yes, it's clear the why and when of it all. But can we get a little bit more of the how? That would have made this book perfect, at least for me. Aside from that I had few other problems and all of them were minor. There's one scene in which Luke reminds me a little too much of Edward (Twilight) with his stalkerish ways. Thankfully it's only one scene and then Luke returns to his sweet, affable self.

The dialogue in this book is some of the best I have ever read. In many instances, it feels as if you've been dropped into the middle of a conversation and the power of this realism only helps to propel the story along. Not that it needs help, mind you. The story itself is intense and interesting enough to hold its own. The pacing is wonderful and just the right amounts of information are revealed at simply the most perfect times, keeping the reader flipping the pages long after they should have been asleep (ahem, see above for sleep deprivation comment). Okay, so maybe the ending felt a little rushed, but by the time I got there it hardly made a difference. The journey had been well worth it in the end.

So, if you're out there, Cat Patrick, keep up the awesomeness! You are now on my list of authors to watch. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
While London Lane sleeps, her day is erased and while she's awake she experiences flash forwards. She remembers what she's seen that will happen and forgets what already happened... unless she writes it down.

When I started reading this book, I had to read certain sentences and even paragraphs over again so I could be clear. By the time I got to page 30 I got the gist of what was going on with London. This teenage girl had a lot to deal with, especially when what she called a `dark memory' came. I wasn't sure, though, why the author used phrases like `forward memories' or `remembering the future'. Why not call it premonitions or psychic or even prophesy? I guess that doesn't really matter, but since memories are about `past' happenings I was just wondering. But then again, if London could only remember the `flash forwards' without having to write them down, they were the only memories she had.

What I thought about most as I read this story is how much I liked Luke. I'm sure there are teenage guys who wouldn't be as understanding about London's `memory issue' as Luke was. He was a mature young man with a good heart. London was an interesting character and I felt for her, because it took a lot of work for her to live her life. She had to keep notes; lots and lots of notes. When it came to `the present', reading was remembering. I was not happy with her, though, when she lied to Page. What she told one classmate could have started lots of trouble for another.

I don't believe London's friend, Jaime, was really angry with London, but feeling guilty about the choice she made. Why would she think her `friend' would go along with what she was doing?

London's mother, Bridgette What she kept from her daughter, she should have told her. Not the entire story right when it happened, but later when London was old enough to handle the truth.

This book about a girl with `memory issues' turned out to be a `mystery & suspense teenage love story' that had me concerned for certain characters and kept me guessing. I didn't expect all the twists and turns!! The ending left unanswered questions and I would like to know what happened next. A sequel would be nice, but if there won't be one I'm fine with drawing my own conclusions.

Cat Patrick's story is a well-written, page-turner!! Forgotten would make a good television movie. I'd set my DVR so I could breeze right past the commercials and enjoy the show. Very nice debut!!!
I loved the premise of this book. 16 year old London's memory resets every night and she can't remember anything that happened, but the twist is she can see her future just fine and of those around her. I mean imagine not knowing your past but knowing when someone close to you will die or how there life will end up like. I also found it interesting how she kept up with the details of her life, by writing notes down on what happened each day and things she needs to remember. Although it did get tricky for her when she chose to leave things out and forget things on purpose.

Forgotten kept my interest for the most part, especially when dealing with her memories, the mystery behind the graveyard and who's funeral it could be and of course her relationship with Luke which was not always easy, also why I can say I really did like Luke because he was not willing to give up on her and was just an all around good guy.

I really did enjoy the book for what it was but it was no life changer or anything. There were a ton of plot holes left open. At the end of the book your still left with a lot of questions. I would like to know if London ever regains her ability to remember the past or what happens in the future between her and Luke. And then the mystery aspect of it which was pretty huge in terms of how it affected her but it seemed that it all happened too fast when there could have been more time spent on it going more in depth about the situation. Not to mention we learn that "mystery situation" is the reason for her memory defect but we get no answers on how she is able to see the future.

Overall this was a fast paced read, I loved the memory loss aspect of it but it just annoyed me how certain things weren't fully explained in the end.
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