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[ITM]≫ Read Headhunters edition by James Luceno Literature Fiction eBooks

Headhunters edition by James Luceno Literature Fiction eBooks

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An action-adventure novel set in Peru and Bolivia in the mid-1970s, and focusing on the attempts of three young Americans to smuggle cocaine back to the United States; a plan that pits them against thieves, double-dealers, revolutionaries, and an ian trible that has its own plans for one of the trio

Headhunters edition by James Luceno Literature Fiction eBooks

Not every author who goes on to find success with his or her later books can boast about their earliest forays into novel-writing. Having read Head Hunters, however, I feel like James Luceno can do just that.

Head Hunters was the second of Luceno's original works that I picked up after having enjoyed his Star Wars novels, the first being his 1993 sci-fi novel "The Big Empty" (found at a used bookshop). In 2013, Luceno is best known for his sci-fi books and his franchise writing, but the soul-searching drug trip of a travel narrative that is Head Hunters included a personal touch that no entry in the Star Wars or Robotech universes ever could. James Luceno spent his twenties following the path of adventure travel and trekking across the world, keeping journals, and finding himself in numerous tight spots. I've listened with fascination to several podcasts that feature him recounting those days, and he's mentioned that his journeys though Central and South America were his favourites. He even explicitly stated in a 2008 interview with that his first novel emerged from a decade's worth of his travel journals.

That novel is Head Hunters, which was published in 1980. It's a story about three twenty-somethings making their way across South America in an effort to score a big coke deal, in the process tripping on drugs, meeting eclectic characters, and discovering more about themselves than they previously knew. Luceno's vivid accounts of dirty city streets, cheap hostels, and overcrowded trains could only have been written by someone who had seen and done it all, and I doubt it's a stretch to assert that the experiences undergone by the characters were based in part on Luceno's own. Not that I'm asserting he ever went to Peru to score four kilograms of cocaine, but it's not hard to imagine that the soul-searching character arcs are reflections of Luceno having found himself while seeing the world.

That personal touch rendered the characters and the situations in which they found themselves all the more believable. Although I've never traveled through South America, I could easily visualize the settings and empathize with the protagonists. Luceno was definitely writing about what he knew, and knew well. The form was as good as the content, too --- I've always enjoyed the vividly descriptive prose found in Luceno's earlier Star Wars novels, and it wasn't missing from this book written twenty years prior. If you like action, too, fear not, as the climax of the book features the protagonists hopping into a plane to flee from AK-47-toting Bolivian authorities.

I had always wanted to learn more about Luceno's travels after listening to those podcasts, and now, having read Head Hunters, I feel like I have. Kudos to the author for self-publishing it on the Kindle (the copyright information simply reads "Copyright James Luceno"), else I would have had to track down an old paperback on eBay. I recommend Head Hunters to anyone who enjoys traveling, especially if they're interested in a glimpse of what it was like in the days before the internet and 400-page Lonely Planet guidebooks. It's a glimpse that I definitely enjoyed.

Product details

  • File Size 747 KB
  • Print Length 320 pages
  • Publication Date November 29, 2012
  • Language English

Read Headhunters  edition by James Luceno Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Headhunters - Kindle edition by James Luceno. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Headhunters.,ebook,James Luceno,Headhunters,FICTION Action & Adventure
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Headhunters edition by James Luceno Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Not every author who goes on to find success with his or her later books can boast about their earliest forays into novel-writing. Having read Head Hunters, however, I feel like James Luceno can do just that.

Head Hunters was the second of Luceno's original works that I picked up after having enjoyed his Star Wars novels, the first being his 1993 sci-fi novel "The Big Empty" (found at a used bookshop). In 2013, Luceno is best known for his sci-fi books and his franchise writing, but the soul-searching drug trip of a travel narrative that is Head Hunters included a personal touch that no entry in the Star Wars or Robotech universes ever could. James Luceno spent his twenties following the path of adventure travel and trekking across the world, keeping journals, and finding himself in numerous tight spots. I've listened with fascination to several podcasts that feature him recounting those days, and he's mentioned that his journeys though Central and South America were his favourites. He even explicitly stated in a 2008 interview with that his first novel emerged from a decade's worth of his travel journals.

That novel is Head Hunters, which was published in 1980. It's a story about three twenty-somethings making their way across South America in an effort to score a big coke deal, in the process tripping on drugs, meeting eclectic characters, and discovering more about themselves than they previously knew. Luceno's vivid accounts of dirty city streets, cheap hostels, and overcrowded trains could only have been written by someone who had seen and done it all, and I doubt it's a stretch to assert that the experiences undergone by the characters were based in part on Luceno's own. Not that I'm asserting he ever went to Peru to score four kilograms of cocaine, but it's not hard to imagine that the soul-searching character arcs are reflections of Luceno having found himself while seeing the world.

That personal touch rendered the characters and the situations in which they found themselves all the more believable. Although I've never traveled through South America, I could easily visualize the settings and empathize with the protagonists. Luceno was definitely writing about what he knew, and knew well. The form was as good as the content, too --- I've always enjoyed the vividly descriptive prose found in Luceno's earlier Star Wars novels, and it wasn't missing from this book written twenty years prior. If you like action, too, fear not, as the climax of the book features the protagonists hopping into a plane to flee from AK-47-toting Bolivian authorities.

I had always wanted to learn more about Luceno's travels after listening to those podcasts, and now, having read Head Hunters, I feel like I have. Kudos to the author for self-publishing it on the (the copyright information simply reads "Copyright James Luceno"), else I would have had to track down an old paperback on eBay. I recommend Head Hunters to anyone who enjoys traveling, especially if they're interested in a glimpse of what it was like in the days before the internet and 400-page Lonely Planet guidebooks. It's a glimpse that I definitely enjoyed.
Ebook PDF Headhunters  edition by James Luceno Literature  Fiction eBooks

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