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The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee

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Download PDF The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee

The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee

There are books that you read where you just put your mind on cruise control and sit back and relax and cruise along.

This is not one of those books. If you've seen the commercials for Luminosity a site for your brain. Well this is the book form of the site. It will require you to be engaged in the story and pay attention to what is going on.

It takes the Matrix to a new level so, if you're like me and loved those movies you should really enjoy this book.

There's great imagery in here with well-defined characters and a twist at the end that I guarantee you will not see coming.

If you're a sci-fi fan then this will be a great addition to your collection.

Read The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee

Tags : The Mediator Pattern - Kindle edition by J.D. Lee. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Mediator Pattern.,ebook,J.D. Lee,The Mediator Pattern,Truelee Fiction,FICTION Dystopian,FICTION Science Fiction General

The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee Reviews

“Quantum mechanics has it all wrong. It’s time that is discrete, quantized, not energy. Energy is an infinite continuum, space is entirely relative, and time is not necessarily linear. ”

The Mediator Pattern by J.D. Lee is an intricately written novel. Marcus Metiline, the main character, is a patent mediator. He is hired by the Belis Corporation and meets with the elusive Colin Belis. The Belis Corporation, for the most part, runs the country. It has taken over departments piecemeal fashion and has grown into a powerhouse. Colin Belis, who inherited the company, holds multiple doctorates and purchased the city of San Jose. San Jose, where the company headquarters is located, has become Belis’ custom designed playground. Marcus is hired personally by Belis to check on a possible patent infringement. Then the story gets really weird.

The story takes place in modern times, and its not the cell phone, laptop, or tablet that is the hot piece of technology, but personal fax machines — desktop and portable. Society is controlled and for Marcus, things begin to get strange. He is a heavy smoker that keeps track of his matches and lives in a smoking section of San Jose. For the reader, there is a feeling of reading a futuristic novel from the 1950s. It is a glimpse into a future that did not evolve.

There is a loop that develops early in the story and obsession with counting matches, repeat meetings, days, and a man known as Dr. Avant. Clues seem to be scattered through the story to help the reader understand what might be going on. I had several theories as to what might be going on, but each one fell apart as I read on, and progressed even further into the bizarre.

This is one book that is difficult to give a detailed review. The story is woven so closely together that too many details will give the story away. However, the story develops well and will easily hold the readers interest. The writing is well done taking the reader on a twisting road to discovering the secret of the story. Intriguing, fun, and complex. Very well done.

Joseph Spuckler Book Review
Joseph gives The Mediator Pattern 4 1/2 Stars
I went for this due to its interesting slight twist on the noir genre. I was intrigued at the idea of a PI in an alternate world where fax machines were the status quo instead of PCs. It felt almost like a steampunk. Techpunk? There should be a world for this when the old tech isn't steam-power. In any case, although I found the world very interesting and I enjoyed visiting it, the plot left me dissatisfied.

This book is an enjoyable read even when the plot is doing weird things. The sentences flow smoothly, and the settings and characters are clearly rendered. I really enjoyed this alternate world. I liked it so much that I was disappointed by how little time we spend in it. Marcus is quickly scooped out and plopped into another world, and I didn't like that one nearly as much or find it as interesting. The first world Marcus inhabits is creative and new. The other worlds are more dull and are things I've seen before.

It's difficult to review this book without giving much away, but suffice to say that there is physics in the book, and while I appreciate the fact that science of it is good and well-explained, it also is a physics I've seen in scifi many times before, and I don't think this particular rendering brought anything fresh to the table.

There are three really important characters in the book Marcus, the owner of BelisCo, and a doctor. All three of them are male. This makes the book read a bit like a boys' club, and it bugged me. The book would have instantly been more unique and interesting if, say, Marcus had been a hard-boiled woman PI. When every main character is basically the same (an intelligent white male), it's just dull.

The non-spoiler reason of why I wasn't into the plot is that I felt it took things just one twist too far, rendering things a bit ridiculous.

Overall, readers who are intrigued by the world in the summary and who don't mind multiple plot twists and a predominantly male cast will enjoy this read. It is well-written and interesting, but readers expecting to linger in the fax machine world of the plot summary should know that this world is soon left behind.

Note I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Marcus Metiline- a wonderful character. I'm not a sci-fi gal, but, this is a quick read and the story kept me interested and amazed. Very good writing, wonderful descriptions and not a boring page in the entire story. I could picture every detail in my mind as I read and it would make one great movie! "Reality may be whatever you make it to be"- Marcus Metiline
An intriguing and masterfully constructed look into an alternate history of the technological age. The writing is top notch and the characters are vivid and engaging. I personally can't wait to see more from J. D. Lee.
If you liked 1984 an Brave New World, this is a story you'll enjoy.

The story is a quick read. I read this within a few hours with almost a sense of urgency; I just had to know what was happening. The writing is elegantly descriptive without feeling like an overly sterilized environment which I have found in some sci-fi stories.
We are definitely taken down the rabbit hole with this book .... dystopia squared! And of course, nothing is as we believe it to be. Frankly, I can't even remember the ending; it was just one twist too many.
There are books that you read where you just put your mind on cruise control and sit back and relax and cruise along.

This is not one of those books. If you've seen the commercials for Luminosity a site for your brain. Well this is the book form of the site. It will require you to be engaged in the story and pay attention to what is going on.

It takes the Matrix to a new level so, if you're like me and loved those movies you should really enjoy this book.

There's great imagery in here with well-defined characters and a twist at the end that I guarantee you will not see coming.

If you're a sci-fi fan then this will be a great addition to your collection.
Ebook PDF The Mediator Pattern eBook JD Lee

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